Eagle Cove
Beachfront Guest Suite - Sooke, BC
What Our Guests Say

“paradise found:

our guests say...

"We feel privileged to have been your first official guests. You have treated us accordingly. Spectacular view of the Olympics, Orcas passing during breakfast, beach bonfire and the gentle surf. Thank you! We hope and trust all your visitors will be as enchanted with your magical spot as we were."

Robin and his parents

"Rainbows, barking seals, diving ducks, soaring eagles; the sound of the waves at night and the moon bright on the sea: what more could one ask? The best place, bar none, to finish the novel I was writing was sitting on your point."

Amber, Alberta

Read more reviews on TripAdvisor.

"We didn’t see a whale, a sealion, an eagle ... not even a diving duck ... but it couldn’t have mattered less! I have no idea how I’ll ever sleep again if not by the sea at Eagle Cove.
Can’t wait to return one day. Meanwhile we’ll carry away the wondrous feeling your gift by the sea has given us. Thanks for sharing it with us."
Jody and Mark, Toronto, May 2004

Thanks to all of our great guests ... it’s been
a privilege and a pleasure to meet you!

Orca Whale

This “seaside eden leads
a sheltered existence ...

the owner’s dream dwelling is nestled in a natural ravine ... when winds come they blow right over. The house and property is at once snug and spacious. Snug against the rock walls and salal beds, but spacious in views over the ocean.”

Joanne Hatherly, Times Colonist
September 2005

look. listen. linger.


What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare? ...
No time to stand beneath the boughs ...
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance ...

W. H. Davies

Times Colonist
says the
Victoria Times Colonist
daily newspaper

“New Zealand Flax fronds knife up through stony flowerbeds of purple and yellow blossoms. Wildflowers and greens reach in among the cultivated plantings. Elsewhere on the property, young eucalyptus and twisted willow trees grow to impressive dimensions. Cultivated coastal gardens buffeted by ocean winds rarely appear so richly populated.”



soothing environment. sensual experience.

Plume Flower Starfish on Garden Path
Starfish on Garden PathFremontodendron California Glory Starfish on Garden PathEuphorbia Fireglow St. John's WortHypericum Hidcote